What's Your Story is a 3-part course designed to identify your career strengths and what matters most to you, and shows you how to harness them to find career happiness.
Here's everything you need to know before you sign up:
This includes an exercise called The Career Lifeline, which guides you to reflect back on your career to date to identify themes and patterns that reveal your natural strengths and skills
Here you will create a visual tool called The Rope of Scope that can be used to aid future career decision-making
The final part is where you bring it all together and craft you career story and plan how and where to use it
It is a self-paced programme which can be completed at your convenience.
You can buy the course including or excluding 1 to 1 coaching.
Course Materials Only: £5*
Course including 1 x 60-minute 1 to 1 session: £75
*If you buy the course only, you have the option to add 1 to 1 coaching at a later date